Flo for Mac OS

Time is money. How much is 30 minutes a day worth to you? Here are 10 ways Flo can save you time, money, and your sanity.

Flo Boards: A Better Kanban

"Kanban" workflows were invented in Japan but improved by Flo because they go way beyond just tasks.

The Ultimate Playlist

Drop anything into a Flo Collection. It's a visual, musical, podcastic, project managerial playlist for your life.

Chat for Everyone

FloChat solves the problem of "which chat to use" because it works with everyone's emails. Flo trumps Chat.

Tab, You’re It!

Flo can open and manage your docs, and keeps track of everything with the simplicity of Tabs. No more magnifying glass.

Send it and Forget it

Flo Mail tracks your outgoings, and reminds you when you don't get an incoming you're expecting.  Gone golfing!

Auto-Schedule ToDo’s

Drop those ToDo's right into the Calendar, or let Flo find the time for you. Up to a week in advance.

Compact or Full Screen

Use Flo as your command central, or as your hidden warrior.  You decide.

Everything Connected

Open a meeting invite, take some notes, generate some tasks, add another meeting, add people too. Everything is connected with links.

Flo Loves Everyone

Including your Gmail, your Google Calendar, your iCloud, your Yahoo. Connect your accounts, and Flo works with them.

Flo is Everywhere You Are

Watch, iPhone, iPad, Mac, even your Browser. All connected, all sync'd.